Wednesday, January 16

Birthdays and Giveaways

to me!!!
The Marlboro Man Sandwich

So it is my birthday. Yep. Big day. Many years ago my mother exchanged uncomfortable days in for sleepless nights. In honor of that transition that granted me life I am giving away my favorite book from last year. It was impossible to put down and kept me up until 3:30 in the morning. I happen to have an extra copy after Christmas and will share it with one lucky person. I have already had my birthday dinner. In case you are curious I had The Marlboro Man Sandwich and Blueberry Crumb Cake. It was delightful and I think in order for me to eat those foods more often I need a birthday ever month. To which my hubby reminded me that I don't need a birthday to eat those foods. Both of those links take you to the recipe on The Pioneer Woman's site. I just love her! Since it is my birthday I think you should all entertain me. Hey, it is the least you can do since I didn't see a birthday package from you in the mail.
Blueberry Crumb Cake

I love family traditions.
So share in the comment section something along the following:
Favorite Birthday
Favorite birthday tradition

Either that or since I know as most women get older they begin to pretend they are younger than is possible we can pretend you sent me a gift. In the comment section tell me what book you sent (pretend) for my birthday. It would be nice if you would include a reason why you chose that particular book. (Then I can laugh maniacally over my fake birthday stash. And also be somewhat thankful that since it is fake my TBR pile didn't swell.)

Make sure you record your entry in the rafflecopter form.

Oh by the way you will all be competing to win my extra copy of EDENBROOKE

 a Rafflecopter giveaway