Friday, August 24

Eye Candy: XXXI

During the week I spot different book covers that catch my eye for one reason or another. I keep track of them all here on my weekly Eye Candy post. Most of the books featured here I have not bothered to read the synopsis for. Just plain old fashioned cover envy or not in some cases. There are the occasional covers that catch the eye but not in I want to read that book more of a oh my goodness what were they thinking.


Melissa Andrea
Dare I hope for another dragon book like Firelight? Those eyes really have a strong resemblance.

Carol Oates
I think it is the color scheme I like about this one. Or maybe her pose seems dramatic in some way. Perhaps it is just plain hair envy, very pretty.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
007 anyone? The monochromatic scheme with a hint of blue is very attention grabbing.

Thief Prince
Cheree Alsop
That window scene is very enchanting. I just want to put a comfy chair there and make it my new reading nook. Also, I can just imagine some really cute first kiss moment at this window.

The Summer Prince
Alaya Dawn Johnson
The word prince caught my eye as well at the radioactive arm tattoo. The green mist makes me think of the sweat spraying off a football player after a heavy game. Maybe in her case it is some type of magical pheromone.


Wicked Kiss
Michelle Rowen
Whoa, far too much bright pink! I am still looking forward to this book but the cover didn't sell it.

The Different Girl
Gordan Dahlquist
Neon yellow hair, yikes!

What do you think about the covers?
Like it, love it, or could do without it?