Friday, September 7

Eye Candy: XXXIII

During the week I spot different book covers that catch my eye for one reason or another. I keep track of them all here on my weekly Eye Candy post. Most of the books featured here I have not bothered to read the synopsis for. Just plain old fashioned cover envy or not in some cases. There are the occasional covers that catch the eye but not in I want to read that book more of a oh my goodness what were they thinking.


My Name is Rapunzel

K. C. Hilton

Very beautiful pose, lighting, dress, and dragon.


Dark Triumph

Robin LaFevers

I can't believe I am labeling this cover borderline. Grave Mercy has such an awesome cover. It was the cover that first sold me on the book. The inside was just an incredible bonus. After that stellar combination I think I was left with some super high expectations for this cover. It just didn't quite make it. The cover has all the same items but I think the color scheme isn't as eye catching. Brown never was an easy sell for me.


The Burning Star

Jessie Lane

Wow, this is just crazy. I think it might be the hair that tips the balance.

What do you think about the covers?
Like it, love it, or could do without it?