Friday, September 14

Eye Candy: XXXIV

During the week I spot different book covers that catch my eye for one reason or another. I keep track of them all here on my weekly Eye Candy post. Most of the books featured here I have not bothered to read the synopsis for. Just plain old fashioned cover envy or not in some cases. There are the occasional covers that catch the eye but not in I want to read that book more of a oh my goodness what were they thinking.


Stalked by Death

Kelly Hashway

Sounds very thrilling and I like her mid fleeing pose.

The Other Normals

Ned Vizzini

How many times do we wish our life was more exciting? Wish you could be just like your video game hero?

Dark Heart Rising

Lee Monroe

I noticed this one on another blog. I really liked what she said about it. There is just such emotion in that pose.

The Emperor's Conspiracy

Michelle Diener

This cover opens up a longing for the good old classics. I like the old buildings in the back ground and her dress.

Reaping Me Softly

Kate Evangelista

I like butterflies and the cold background. Also her hair and dress are very pretty. Lately, I have also had a craving for things involving reaping. A win win.


Touching Smoke

Airicka Phoenix

I enjoy smoke effect art but I not so sure of the yellow portion of this cover.


Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft

Jody Gehrman

What is with that odd pose. Is she dead?

What do you think about the covers?

Like it, love it, or could do without it?