Saturday, October 13

Quote Me: Battle - Eona vs. Warm Bodies


You have waited with baited breathe (just pretend this was true) for this battle to start.

Wait no longer. . . drumroll. . . our first contender for ultimate quotedom is. . .
"It is not often that the real world conjures worse than what we can imagine."


Voting will likely last for 24 hours. (This all depends on when I remember to close the poll.)

Order has nothing to do with ultimate conquest. Matching word skill against this contender is. . .drumroll. . .
"I would like to end it here. How nice if I could edit my own life. If I could halt in the middle of a sentence and put it all to rest in a drawer somewhere, consummate my amnesia and forget all the things that have happened, are happening, and are about to happen. Shut my eyes and got to sleep happy."

Warm Bodies

Let this battle commence. 
May the best quote be left standing.

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