Wednesday, October 31

Quote Me: Final Battle - City of Bones vs. City of Glass vs. Black Heart

Final Battle

The winning quotes thought they were done but little did they know they would be pitted against the other categories. General, Wit/Humor, and Romance/Swoon will now have to fight each other to claim final victory.

Entering the arena. . . drumroll. . . the Reigning Champion of the Wit/Humor category is. . .
“Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?'

Jace said, "Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains myself."

..."At least," she said, "you don't have to worry about rejection, Jace Wayland."

"Not necessarily. I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting.”

City of Bones

Our Victor for Romance/Swoon. . .
“There is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.”

City of Glass

The Conqueror for General. . .
"How mad at me are you?", I ask. "I mean, exactly how mad--like on a scale of one to ten, where one is kicking my ass and ten is a shark tank?"

Black Heart

Let this battle commence. 
May the best quote be left standing.
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