Monday, October 1

Quote Me: A Battle of Quotes Begins

Not so recently The YA Sisterhood held their YA Crush Tourney in which we picked out the top dog amongst the fictional boy candy. That is all good and tasty but what I want to know is. . .

They can walk the walk but can they talk the talk?

So here at Hope, Love, and Happy Endings I have put together a little battle of quotes. In the two months prior I have organized nominations and pitted them against each other. The battle is in no way limited to male characters.

There are three categories:

The first category has the most competitors so the battle might just get a bit crazy. 

(All art work is being used with permission from Pascal Campion. Please check out his other art at

This last category will involve some contests and giveaways.
Stay tuned and watch them duke it out to be the best.

This showdown begins in three. . . two. . . one